Famous Investor Portfolios
What is the objective of these portfolio?
The goal of these portfolios is to offer an uncomplicated, do-it-yourself investment strategy based on a fixed allocation model. By leveraging exchange-traded funds (ETFs) and following a strategic asset allocation, they ensure long-term exposure to various asset classes with minimal ongoing adjustments, making them easy for investors to manage.
What qualifies as a Famous Investor Portfolio?
Labeled as "Famous Investor Portfolios," these portfolios are inspired by or modeled on the investment strategies of notable figures in the finance industry. These prominent investors are recognized for their strong performance records and their strategic, research-based approaches to asset allocation. By incorporating their methods, these portfolios aim to replicate the risk-return profiles that have brought these investors both recognition and respect.
Why is this family of portfolios rebalanced and tracked each month?
The Famous Investor Portfolio was created and tracked to provide investors with easy access to well-established, time-tested investment strategies. By modeling these portfolios after renowned investors, the goal is to offer a structured, strategic approach that balances risk and return. Tracking these portfolios allows investors to compare performance, understand the impact of different asset allocations, and make informed decisions without needing to constantly adjust their investments. This approach simplifies the investment process while providing transparency and insights into long-term portfolio performance.
What portfolio recipes are included in the Famous Investor Portfolios family?
RecipeInvesting tracks the following Portfolio Recipes in the category of Famous Investor Portfolios :
- Ben Stein inspired Portfolio (s.bens): uses exchange-traded funds and implements a strategic (also called static, passive, or fixed) allocation for each of the seven ETFs in this portfolio recipe based on a recommendation from Ben Stein which uses a 76% equity allocation.
- David Swensen inspired Portfolio (s.swen): uses exchange-traded funds and implements a strategic (also called static, passive, or fixed) allocation for each of the five ETFs in this portfolio recipe based on a balanced approach inspired by David Swensen which uses a 50% equity allocation.
- Harry Browne inspired Portfolio (s.brow): uses exchange-traded funds and implements a strategic (also called static, passive, or fixed) allocation for each of the four ETFs in this portfolio recipe based on Harry Browne's Permanent Portfolio allocation.
- Ray Dalio inspired Portfolio (s.dali): uses exchange-traded funds and implements a strategic (also called static, passive, or fixed) allocation for each of the six ETFs in this portfolio recipe based on an "all weather" approach inspired by Ray Dalio which uses a 19% equity allocation.
- Permanent Plus Portfolio (s.plus): uses exchange-traded funds and implements a strategic (also called static, passive, or fixed) allocation for each of the three ETFs in this portfolio recipe approach based on Harry Browne's Permanent Portfolio allocation except with the cash component omitted.
- 7Twelve Israelson Portfolio (s.712): uses exchange-traded funds and implements a strategic (also called static, passive, or fixed) allocation for each of the twelve ETFs in this portfolio recipe based on Israelson's 7Twelve methodology.
What do Famous Investor Portfolios have in common?
All of the Portfolio Recipes in the Famous Investor Portfolios Family share the following characteristics:
- Strategic / Fixed approach
- Monthly rebalance frequency
- Type of funds used
How do Famous Investor Portfolios differ?
Despite their similarities, Portfolio Recipes in the Famous Investor Portfolios Family can differ based on these attributes:
- High/Low equity approach
- Number of ETFs used for allocation
Comparison of Famous Investor Portfolios
Recipe Name | Ben Stein inspired | David Swensen inspired | Harry Browne inspired | Ray Dalio inspired | Permanent Plus | 7Twelve Israelson |
Recipe ID | s.bens | s.dali | s.brow | s.plus | s.swen | s.712 |
Portfolio Approach | Strategic / Fixed | Strategic / Fixed | Strategic / Fixed | Strategic / Fixed | Strategic / Fixed | Strategic / Fixed |
Rebalance Frequency | monthly | monthly | monthly | monthly | monthly | monthly |
Type of Funds Used | exchange-traded funds | exchange-traded funds | exchange-traded funds | exchange-traded funds | exchange-traded funds | exchange-traded funds |
10-year Annualized Return (through Dec 2023) | 7.2% | 6.6% | 5.5% | 4.1% | 8.0% | 4.5% |
10-year Max Drawdown (through Dec 2023) | 19.8% | 25.1% | 17.5% | 17.9% | 24.0% | 19.1% |
10-year Downside Deviation (through Dec 2023) | 8.4% | 8.2% | 4.7% | 5.0% | 6.7% | 8.0% |
Link to Latest Data | s.bens | s.dali | s.brow | s.plus | s.swen | s.712 |